jeudi 30 août 2018

C++11 rvalue reference vs const reference

This may be obvious but I think it is something difficult to me. Given this:

void test(std::string&& a) {
    std::cout << "&&" << std::endl;

I have read the rvalue reference topic almost 3 times in 2 different books and I came to this conclusion.

 std::string x{"test"};


This code calls test() with a rvalue reference as parameter so the output is what I expect. Here I am moving around the original value because I use move everywhere. Now look at this:

void test(const std::string& a) {
    std::cout << "&&" << std::endl;

If I called the same code I get the same output

std::string x{"test"};


and here I'm tilted.

I know that

int&& s = 5;
const int& s = 5;

is valid because in both cases I provide something that has not an lvalue, it has no addresses. Are && and const& equivalent? If no, are there differences?

Tell me if I am wrong:

  • test(std::string&& a): a is rvalue reference but actually it has an lvalue!

    test(std::string&& a) { something(a) //--> not moved because it has lvalue something(std::move(a)) //now it is moved! }

  • test(const std::string& a): a is const lvalue reference and like before I have lvalue and rvalue. And plus more, in this case if I called


where a is a const& the move works!

I am confused. Doesn't move work only for && types?

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