lundi 27 août 2018

C++11 user defined cctor (copy constractor) inconsistent calling behaviour

can you please help me understand this cctor issue?

I wrote simple code in order to call the copy ctor:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class point
    // Ctor's
    point(int a_);

    // Cctor
    point(const point&);       //= delete;

    int a;

point::point(const point& p_)
    cout << "This is a cctor (copy ctor)" << endl;

point::point(int a_)
    a = a_;
    cout << "This is point(a) ctor" << endl;

int main()
    point p1(1);
    point p2 = 4;

    return 0;

I found out that in the case:

 point p2 = 4;

The output was:

This is point(a) ctor
This is point(a) ctor

but if changing the initialization to:

point p2 = p1;

The output was:

This is point(a) ctor
This is a cctor (copy ctor)

So far so good, I assumed the compiler is using optimization and not calling cctor for "point p2 = 4;" but only the ctor.

But than, when deleting the cctor explicitly: (and removing the definition, of course)

point(const point&) = delete;

In both cases: ("point p2 = p1;" and "point p2 = 4;") I got the same result:

try.cpp:32:16: error: use of deleted function ‘point::point(const point&)’
     point p2 = p1;
try.cpp:12:5: error: declared here
     point(const point&) = delete;

Any idea what is happening here?

Is "p2 = 4;" calls cctor or not, and how come the behaviour changes?

NOTE: I compiled using g++ with -std=c++11 flag on a CentOS7.

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