vendredi 28 septembre 2018

MSVC's (seem not perfect) support for constexpr

I am making the naive wheel of type traits's is_base_of. And Here's a minimal demo about my implementation(didn't consider robustness, is_class...).

#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdint>
struct A

struct B : A

<typename T, typename U>
struct IsBaseOf {
    constexpr static bool Test(T* t)
        return true;

    constexpr static bool Test(...)
        return false;

    constexpr static bool value = IsBaseOf<T,U>::Test(static_cast<U*>(nullptr));
int main()
    static_assert(IsBaseOf<A, B>::value, "Pass");

This demo can be compiled by gcc/clang but cannot be compiled by MSVC.

When i type it on my laptop's Visual Studio 2015(with update patch 3). It cannot be compiled either, the IDE reminds me that "expression must have constant value" before compiling.

So I wonder how's MSVC support for constexpr, or is my code wrong?

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