I have a below function:
bool GetNext(std::vector<int>& oid, uint8_t& numfield, uint8_t& offset, uint8_t& count, char& type)
auto found = std::find_if(mMibsDetails.begin(), mMibsDetails.end(), [&](const MibsDetails & mibdt)
return std::equal(std::get<TUPLE_TBALE_OID_ID>(mibdt).begin(), std::get<TUPLE_TBALE_OID_ID>(mibdt).end(), oid.begin());
if(std::next(found, 1) != mMibsDetails.end())
oid = std::get<TUPLE_TBALE_ID_1>(*std::next(found, 1));
numfield = std::get<TUPLE_TBALE_ID_2>(*std::next(found, 1));
offset = std::get<TUPLE_TBALE_ID_3>(*std::next(found, 1));
count = std::get<TUPLE_TBALE_ID_4>(*std::next(found, 1));
type = std::get<TUPLE_TBALE_ID51>(*std::next(found, 1));
return true;
return false;
Actually I want to implement the function to return the next row for a "found" value? But it is not happening - it returns the same row?
How can we iterate over a tuple to get next row?
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