samedi 22 décembre 2018

Smart pointers in prototype pattern C++

I'm currently looking at some code i have found on github, however I'm quite confused about some sections of the code and what it does.

What does the line below mean? Key is a bulletType, value is a smart pointer, what is hash<int>?

unordered_map<BulletType, unique_ptr<Bullet>, hash<int> > m_Bullets

What does the below code do?

Does it create a new object of GoodBullet and return an address to it with *this as argument to the constructor?

return std::make_unique<GoodBullet>(*this)

Main code:

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;

/** Bullet is the base Prototype */
class Bullet
    string _bulletName;
    float _speed;
    float _firePower;
    float _damagePower;
    float _direction;

    Bullet(string bulletName, float speed, float firePower, float damagePower) 
    : _bulletName(bulletName), _speed(speed), _firePower(firePower), _damagePower(damagePower) 
    virtual ~Bullet() {}
    virtual unique_ptr<Bullet> clone() = 0;
    void fire(float direction)
        _direction = direction;

        cout << "Name        : " << _bulletName << endl
             << "Speed       : " << _speed << endl
             << "FirePower   : " << _firePower << endl
             << "DamagePower : " << _damagePower << endl 
             << "Direction   : " << _direction << endl << endl;

/** SimpleBullet is a Concrete Prototype */
class SimpleBullet : public Bullet

    SimpleBullet(string bulletName, float speed, float firePower, float damagePower) :
    Bullet(bulletName, speed, firePower, damagePower)

    unique_ptr<Bullet> clone() override
        return make_unique<SimpleBullet>(*this);

/** GoodBullet is the Concrete Prototype */
class GoodBullet : public Bullet

    GoodBullet(string bulletName, float speed, float firePower, float damagePower) 
    : Bullet(bulletName, speed, firePower, damagePower) 

    unique_ptr<Bullet> clone() override
        return std::make_unique<GoodBullet>(*this);

/** Opaque Bullet type, avoids exposing concrete implementations */
enum BulletType

/** BulletFactory is the client */
class BulletFactory
    unordered_map<BulletType, unique_ptr<Bullet>, hash<int> > m_Bullets;

        m_Bullets[SIMPLE] = make_unique<SimpleBullet>("Simple Bullet", 50, 75, 75);
        m_Bullets[GOOD]   = make_unique<GoodBullet>("Good Bullet", 75, 100, 100);

    unique_ptr<Bullet> createBullet(BulletType BulletType)
        return m_Bullets[BulletType]->clone();

int main()
    BulletFactory bulletFactory;

    auto Bullet = bulletFactory.createBullet(SIMPLE);

    Bullet = bulletFactory.createBullet(GOOD);

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