dimanche 6 janvier 2019

Issue with std::initializer_list constructor and "braced initialization"

Consider the following code:

#include <initializer_list>

class C {
    C() = delete;
    C(int) {}

class D {
    D() = delete;
    D(std::initializer_list<C> il) {} 

int main()
    std::initializer_list<C> il{};  // fine: empty list, no need to construct C
    D d2(il);                       // fine: calls initializer_list ctor with empty list
    D d3{il};                       // ditto
    D d4({});                       // ditto
    D d5;                       // error: use of deleted function 'C::C()' 
                                    // WHY is the constructor of 'C' required here?

I thought D d5; would call the initializer_list constructor of D with an empty list. And, as the list is empty, the constructor of C would not be called. However, it does not compile:

error: use of deleted function 'C::C()' -- D d5;

What is the rationale behind this error?

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