mercredi 20 février 2019

accessing values within map of class objects gives segmentation fault

I have a class team:

class team
        int matches;
        int goals_scored;
        int goals_against;
        int wins;
        int losses;
        int points;

                matches = goals_scored = goals_against = wins = losses = points = 0;

I have created a map :

 map<string,team*> record;

I have a fixed number of teams, so i first create the map with all the team names and initiated team objects.

                    record[team_name] = new team();

Then sometime later I fill them when the match happens (it is sure that no new team name comes, other than the ones initialized before) :

                    team *t1 = record[team1_name]; //get the pointer to fill
                    team *t2 = record[team2_name];
                    if(score1 > score2)
                            t1->points += 3;  <--------- crashes here

Why I am getting a crash?

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