lundi 18 février 2019

Sharing Memory Between Parent Process and Worker Threads Using Shared Object


Is a shared object a good way to communicate state information between a parent process and one or more worker threads? I was imagining either one of two ways to communicate progress of work done - for example - by a worker thread:

  1. Variables passed by reference to the worker thread

std::atomic<int> percentageProgress; std::thread worker_thread(someFunctionCall, std::ref(percentageProgress));

  1. Object - with state variables as object members - passed by reference

std::atomic<SharedStateObj> mySharedStateObj; std::thread worker_thread(someFunctionCall, std::ref(mySharedStateObj));

Additional Thoughts:

If I declare the SharedStateObj member variables as static and initialize the mySharedStateObj in the main process how will this change a mySharedStateObj_worker object that is initialized inside a worker thread?

Language: C++11 System: Nvidia Jetson Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 16.04

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