I have a std map that combines a string with a function pointer like:
std::map<std::string, void (*)()> funcs {
{"print", &h::print},
{"scan", &h::scan_cmd},
{"connect", &h::stream},
{"stream", &h::stream}
where h is the enclosing class in which this map has been initialized. I get this error:
No matching constructor for initialization of 'std::map<std::string, void (*)()>' (aka 'map<basic_string<char>, void (*)()>')
I've also tried puttting the map in this form:
std::map<std::string, void (*)()> funcs;
funcs["print"] = &print;
funcs["scan"] = &scan_cmd;
funcs[connect"] = &stream;
funcs["stream"] = &stream;
But then I got this error:
Size of array has non-integer type ' const char [6]'
I'm not exactly sure where the problem is - my guess is that it's with the void (*) () portion.
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