What my program does is read college name list from the data and save each name as a separate node and while inserting them, I need to sort it in alphabetical order. My code worked perfectly fine with singly linked list. However, after I implement insertNode function for doubly circular linked list; I am having access violation problem some how. Be aware that I am using one sentinel node at the beginning of the list. Please look at my code and tell me what should I do. Thank you!
head = new ListNode; // head points to the sentinel node
head->next = NULL;
head->prev = NULL;
count = 0;
bool CollegeList::insertNode(College dataIn)
ListNode *newNode; // A new node
ListNode *pCur; // To traverse the list
ListNode *pPre; // The previous node
bool inserted = false;
// Allocate a new node and store num there.
newNode = new ListNode;
newNode -> col = dataIn;
// Initialize pointers
pPre = head;
pCur = head->next;
//Find location: skip all nodes whose name is less than dataIn's name.
while(pCur != head && pCur -> col < dataIn)
pPre = pCur;
pCur = pCur -> next;
// Insert the new node between pPre and pCur
if (pCur == head) {
pPre->next = newNode;
newNode->prev = pPre;
newNode->next = head;
head->prev = newNode;
else {
pCur = pPre->next;
newNode->next = pCur;
newNode->prev = pPre;
pPre->next = newNode;
pCur->prev = newNode;
inserted = true;
//Update the counter
return inserted;
class CollegeList
struct ListNode{
College col;
ListNode *next;
ListNode *prev;
ListNode *head;
int count;
// Linked list operations
bool insertNode(College);
bool deleteNode(College);
bool searchList(College, College &);
void displayList() const;
int getCount() {return count;}
bool traverseForward();
bool traverseBackward();
bool isEmpty();
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