I'm doing a project that need to put lots of data into a vector, I found that it was much slower to "emplace_back" about 800,000 data into a vector in multithread callback function(about 4.5 seconds) then the single thread with the same work(about 0.04s), I wonder why and how to solve this problem
My cpu has 18 cores(E5 2699 v3), 2 * 8G memory , I opened 17 threads, VS2015 release x64 , the concurrency visualizer says the cpu has 85% execution and the "emplace_back" has about 98% inclusive samples, I wrote a sample demo to test the performance, the code is shown below
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <vector>
/**brief: In the thread callback function, 800,000 emplace_back
* operations were performed on local vector,
unsigned int __stdcall ThreadFun(PVOID pM)
double stop, start, durationTime;
int x = 0;
std::vector<int> indices_v;
//========= emplace_back test==============
start = clock();
for (; x < 800000; ++x)
stop = clock();
durationTime = ((double)(stop - start)) / CLK_TCK;
printf("Thread ID %4d ,time: %f\n",
return 0;
* same tesk with ThreadFun(), but no reserve(1000000)
* still faster then multithread
void SingleThread()
double stop, start, durationTime;
int x = 0;
std::vector<int> indices_v;
//=========emplace_back test==============
start = clock();
for (; x < 800000; ++x)
stop = clock();
durationTime = ((double)(stop - start)) / CLK_TCK;
printf("Single Thread time: %f\n", durationTime);
int main()
const int ThreadNum = 17;
//do 800000
HANDLE handle[ThreadNum];
for (int i = 0; i < ThreadNum; i++)
handle[i] = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ThreadFun, NULL, 0, NULL);
WaitForMultipleObjects(ThreadNum, handle, TRUE, INFINITE);
return 0;
Single Thread time: 0.046000
Thread ID 28580 ,time: 0.050000 Thread ID 25132 ,time: 1.384000 Thread ID 15428 ,time: 3.059000 Thread ID 15964 ,time: 3.556000 Thread ID 17620 ,time: 3.849000 Thread ID 9056 ,time: 3.965000 Thread ID 18300 ,time: 4.191000 Thread ID 13328 ,time: 4.182000 Thread ID 24972 ,time: 4.184000 Thread ID 13352 ,time: 4.174000 Thread ID 29316 ,time: 4.293000 Thread ID 3056 ,time: 4.278000 Thread ID 25016 ,time: 4.111000 Thread ID 13976 ,time: 4.195000 Thread ID 652 ,time: 4.259000 Thread ID 22104 ,time: 4.174000 Thread ID 13772 ,time: 4.148000
I expect the time consumed by "emplace_back" in multiple threads should be similar to the single thread ,but it takes much more time then single thread , I want to know why and how to solve it ,any help?
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