lundi 23 septembre 2019

How to disable a member function based on a class template parameter?

To illustrate the situation, let's assume a minimal example: a Vector template class taking its dimension as a non-type template parameter. This class will provide x(), y() (etc.) accessors when the dimension allows it:

template <int N_dimension>
class Vector
    // ctors, etc.    
    int &x();

    template <class = std::enable_if_t<(N_dimension>2)>> int &y();

    std::array<int, N_dimension> mData;

Yet, this does not work, because enable_if can only be applied on deduced template parameters.

Our current workaround looks cumbersome:

    template <int N=N_dimension, class = std::enable_if_t<(N>2)>> int &y();

Moreover, it also requires a static-assert in the definition to make sure it is fool-proof (because now client code could give an explicit value to N that does not match the real dimension).

Is there a more direct approach to express this in C++?

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