Smart Pointers are a new concept for me. I have been trying to wrap a File class around fopen_s and fclose using a smart pointer with a custom deleter (unique_ptr).
Below is my attempt. It successfully compiles, runs, and generates a file named "text.txt" with the contents "Hello World" as expected.
I had to use "new" to initialize unique_ptr in my Open function since make_unique does not appear work with custom deleters. Since I am using "new" is my custom deleter responsible for freeing that allocated memory?
I have stepped through my program (VS2019). File::Close only gets called once. I expected it to be called when "handle" in my File:Open function went out of scope, but this was not the case. This behavior may be influenced by the call to std::move(). Not sure how to investigate further on what happens here.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <map>
class File
//functors - custom deleter
struct Close { void operator()(FILE** _handle); };
//type definitions
typedef std::unique_ptr<FILE*,File::Close> Handle;
typedef std::map<std::string,Handle> HandleMap;
//static members
static Handle& Open(std::string _name, std::string _mode);
static HandleMap s_handle_map_;
Handle& handle_;
std::string name_;
File(std::string _name, std::string _mode);
void Write(std::string _message);
File::HandleMap File::s_handle_map_;
File::File(std::string _name, std::string _mode)
File::Handle& File::Open(std::string _name, std::string _mode)
bool exist = s_handle_map_.count(_name) > 0;
if (!exist)
Handle handle(new FILE*(nullptr));
//open new file
//transfer ownership of handle
return s_handle_map_[_name];
void File::Close::operator()(FILE** _handle)
*_handle = nullptr;
delete _handle;
_handle = nullptr;
void File::Write(std::string _message)
fprintf(*handle_, _message.c_str());
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE _instance, HINSTANCE _previous, LPSTR _cmd, int _show)
File file("test.txt","w");
file.Write("Hello World\n");
return 0;
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