vendredi 22 novembre 2019

Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread qt c++

I am trying to run a separate thread from the main thread where mqttclient is initialised and moved to a new thread.

Previously there were problems of signal slot. Which i resumed by creating a separate class (mqtthandler) running from main thread and connected to mqttclient class via signal slots which are delivered to qml.

I tested the codes by running them in same thread. They all work.

Now when I tried to move mqttclient in another thread it causes problem. I know the reason why it is giving me the problem but I dont know, the solution to it.

The problem creator is mqttclient constructor because it connecttohost in constructor only. I need to connecttohost mqttclient but somehow in new thread.

I also tried mqttclient connecting in subscribe function which is called via mqtthandler which is called by qml. Still it doesnt work.


  QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

    QThread mqttclientThread;

    // When the application is quitting, so should the worker thread
    QObject::connect(&app, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, &mqttclientThread, &QThread::quit);

    MqttClient * mqttclientObj = new MqttClient;



    qDebug() << "Main client status " << mqttclientObj->state();

    MqttHandler * mqttHandlerObj = new MqttHandler;
    QObject::connect(mqttHandlerObj, &MqttHandler::mqtthandler_getaddr_signal, mqttclientObj, &MqttClient::getAddr);
    QObject::connect(mqttclientObj, &MqttClient::sensorValueChanged, mqttHandlerObj,&MqttHandler::mqtthandler_sensorValueChanged_slot);

    qDebug() << "Main " << QThread::currentThread();  


MqttClient::MqttClient(QObject *parent)
    : QMqttClient(parent)


   connect(this, SIGNAL(publishsignals(QString, QString)),this, SLOT(publishmsg(QString,QString)));

MqttSubscription* MqttClient::subscribe(const QString &topic)

    auto sub = QMqttClient::subscribe(topic, 0);

    MqttSubscription*  result = new MqttSubscription(sub, this);

    qDebug() << "subscribe " << QThread::currentThread();


    return result;

MqttSubscription::MqttSubscription(QMqttSubscription *s, MqttClient *c)
    : sub(s),
    connect(sub, &QMqttSubscription::messageReceived, client, &MqttClient::handleMessage);
    qDebug() << "mqttsubconn " << QThread::currentThread();


The Error

Main client status  1
Main  QThread(0x7fcfa7400530)
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is QMqttConnection(0x7fcfa75a3008), parent's thread is QThread(0x7fcfa7400530), current thread is QThread(0x7ffee1cb4a30)
QSocketNotifier: Socket notifiers cannot be enabled or disabled from another thread

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