Anyone knows how I can fix this Cppcheck syntax error (no more information than "syntax error") or if it is a false positive (maybe due to options used), I looked at template tutorials and documentations and didn't find any similar usage, the code is:
template<typename T>
template<class Archive> // Here is the Cppcheck syntax error
void MyItemContainer<T>::serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
I'm using :
- g++ (SUSE Linux) 8.2.1 20180831 [gcc-8-branch revision 264010]
- Cppcheck 1.82 (this is the last available version on openSUSE Leap 15), I have successfully build 1.89 version but I cannot run it, with same parameters as I do with 1.82 version I have "cppcheck: Failed to load library configuration file 'std.cfg'. File not found" error
- Cppcheck command is: cppcheck MyItemContainer.h --force --platform=unix64 --enable=warning --xml-version=2 --verbose --error-exitcode=0 --std=c++11 --language=c++
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