my error is with .getelem, Visual reports error C2228. Why can't it accept an array? I know I can retrieve data without using a second function in the node class, but my teacher wrote this code himself and it's full of errors, and I need to understand.
I tried using ->
, I tried giving the valori[testa-1]
value to another variable and nothing changed. I think there is some error with my array initialization. By the way I couldn't find a solution on SO that could help me, because most of the time this error comes with pointers.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
const int MAX= 100;
using namespace std;
typedef int value;
class Node
Node() {};
Node(value a)
elem = a;
~Node() {};
void setelem(value a)
elem = a;
value getelem() const
return elem;
bool operator==(Node& n)
return(getelem() == n.getelem());
value elem; //single atom element
class Pila //stack in italian
friend void stampapila(Pila& L); //prints stack
creapila(); //calls a function that creates stack
~Pila() {};
void creapila() //creates stack
testa = 0;
bool pilavuota() const //checks if stack is empty
return testa == 0;
value leggipila() const //reads first element of stack
return valori[testa-1].getelem(); //ERROR HERE//
void fuoripila(); //pop, didn't copy entire code
void inpila(value); //push, didn't copy entire code
value valori[MAX];
int testa; //testa = head in italian
std::ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Node& nodo)
return out << nodo.getelem();
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