lundi 6 janvier 2020

Facing trouble in converting Python Dictionary in C++ Dictionary

I was trying to convert a python code into C++ code. I am facing difficulty to convert the following dictionary of python into C++. Can anyone help me out?

    'name':'Plank 1',
    'left_sensors':['LC2', 'LC3'],
    'right_sensors':['LC1', 'LC4'],
    'size':(460, 460)
    'name':'Plank 2',
    'left_sensors':['LC6', 'LC7'],
    'right_sensors':['LC5', 'LC8'],
    'size':(69, 460)
    'name':'Plank 3',
    'left_sensors':['LC10', 'LC11'],
    'right_sensors':['LC9', 'LC12'],
    'size':(125, 460)
    'name':'Plank 4',
    'left_sensors':['LC14', 'LC15'],
    'right_sensors':['LC13', 'LC16'],
    'size':(250, 460)


Thanks in advance

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