mardi 19 mai 2020

Pimpl idiom and swap

I have several classes that are based on the PIMPL idiom (where a unique_ptr refers to the actual implementation struct).

I haven't added a friend swap function (as described here) as, to my knowledge, the standard std::swap uses move-semantics which would nicely swap out the unique_ptrs. So far, so good.

However, I read (the somewhat outdated Effective C++ from Scott Meyers that says in Item 25:

However, the default swap implementation might not thrill you. It involves copying three objects: a to temp, b to a, and temp to b. [...] For some types, the default swap puts you on the fast track to the slow lane. Foremost among such types are those consisting primarily of a pointer to another type that contains the real data. A common manifestation of this design is the "pimpl" idiom.

After which he also suggest to specialize std::swap as well.

My question is whether this still holds in C++11. It seems that the C++11 swap works just fine for pimpl'd classes. I understand that adding a friend swap allows the STL to use ADL and so on, but I prefer to keep my classes as lean as possible.

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