mardi 14 juillet 2020

C2664 cannot convert to && value

The compiler wants my lvalue to be a rvalue reference and I dont see why.

My questions are:

  1. Why is "dataLen" const, even though it was declared non const and the lambda is told to catch by reference as default?
  2. Why does the compiler try to convert to rvalue reference "unsigned __int64 &&", even though it was declared "unsigned long long" (no rvalue reference) for tupleByteVector_content?

I think it is because of the lambda capture, but please see this simplified workflow below:

void read_socket()
  std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned long long, std::vector<unsigned char>>> tupleByteVector_content;
  read_socket_readSome(tupleByteVector_content, [this, &tupleByteVector_content]() {
    //use tuple vector

//catch the tuple vector by reference
void read_socket_readSome(std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned long long, const std::shared_ptr<Session>& session, std::vector<unsigned char>>> & tupleByteVector_content, std::function<void()> && continueReadFunction)
  //Read data length from a asio socket
  std::shared_ptr<asio::streambuf> len_buffer = std::make_shared<asio::streambuf>();
  asio::async_read(session->connection->socket->next_layer(), *len_buffer, asio::transfer_exactly(1), [&, 
  this, session, len_buffer, tupleByteVector_content, continueReadFunction](const error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred) {

    //the first value I want to save
    unsigned long long dataLen = BytesToLength(len_buffer);

    //Read data from a asio socket
    std::shared_ptr<asio::streambuf> data_buffer = std::make_shared<asio::streambuf>();
    asio::async_read(session->connection->socket->next_layer(), *data_buffer, asio::transfer_exactly(dataLen), [&, this, dataLen, data_buffer, tupleByteVector_content, session, continueReadFunction](const error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred) {

        //ERROR HERE: ----------->

        std::tuple<unsigned long long, std::vector<unsigned char>> t = 
          std::make_tuple<unsigned long long, std::vector<unsigned char>>(

          dataLen, // ERROR C2664, cant convert argument 1 from "const unsigned __int64" to "unsigned __int64 &&"

          { asio::buffers_begin(data_buffer->data()), asio::buffers_end(data_buffer->data()) });

        //ERROR HERE: <-----------



EDIT: I was able to compile this tuple:

std::tuple<unsigned long long, std::vector<unsigned char>> t = { dataLen, { asio::buffers_begin(data_buffer->data()), asio::buffers_end(data_buffer->data()) } };

But then the push_back to the vector gives the error: error C2663: [...] ::push_back": for 2 overloads there is no conversion for the this-pointer (free translation into english from myself)

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