I was wondering if someone could look at the following code and tell me where I'm going wrong. The error message I'm getting is:
C2280 attempting to reference a deleted function
I'm trying to implement a "Move Constructor" that will be better than the regular Copy Constructor. If anyone could help me I will be eternally grateful! Thanks in advance!
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
struct Item
//Item attributes
std::string sItemName;
double *dSalePrice;
int *iQuantitySold;
//Constructor which uses initalisation list to create true initalization, as opposed to initalising in the body of the constructor which isn't true initalisation.
Item(std::string sInitItemName, double dInitSalePrice, int iInitQuantitySold) //initalisation list
sItemName = sInitItemName;
dSalePrice = new double;
iQuantitySold = new int;
*dSalePrice = dInitSalePrice;
*iQuantitySold = iInitQuantitySold;
Item(const Item& objSource)
:Item(objSource.sItemName, *objSource.dSalePrice, *objSource.iQuantitySold)
std::cout << "The copy constructor is being called.\n";
//Problems occur when implementing this function here
Item(Item&& objSource) noexcept
:sItemName(objSource.sItemName),dSalePrice(objSource.dSalePrice), iQuantitySold(objSource.iQuantitySold)
objSource.dSalePrice = nullptr;
objSource.iQuantitySold = nullptr;
~Item() {
delete dSalePrice;
delete iQuantitySold;
int main(){
Item newItem("New Item",32.23,43);
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