lundi 6 juillet 2020

Why move assignment is called

Please tell me why move assignment is called in the following code.
In expression return Foo(static_cast<int>(value));, static_cast<int>(value) is rvalue, so move assignment is called. However, in expression return Foo(value);, value is an lvalue. Why move assignment is called instead of Foo(int val);

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

class Foo {
    Foo() {}

    Foo(int val)
        value = val;

    Foo(Foo& foo)
        value = foo.value;
        cout << "call Foo(Foo& foo)" << endl;

    Foo(Foo&& foo)
        value = foo.value;
        foo.value = 0;
        cout << "call Foo(Foo &&foo)" << endl;

    Foo& operator=(Foo &foo)
        value = foo.value;
        cout << "call operator=(Foo& foo)" << endl;
        return *this;

    Foo& operator=(Foo &&foo)
        value = foo.value;
        foo.value = 0;
        cout << "call operator=(Foo&& foo)" << endl;
        return *this;

    int value;

Foo operator"" fo(unsigned long long value)
    if (value < INT_MAX) {
        // return Foo(static_cast<int>(value)); // call operator=(Foo&& foo)
        return Foo(value);                      // call operator=(Foo&& foo)
    } else {
        throw "Over Range";

int main()
    Foo foo;
    foo = 123fo;
    return 0;

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