samedi 3 octobre 2020

Copy Constructor containing Base Pointer in Vector

I have been trying to write the copy constructor containing Base* into the vector. But, getting segmentation fault. I copied the contents of vector but pointers are getting copied not the objects. So, inside desctructor it is going to destroy already destroyed object, hence, giving segmentation fault. I know the reason but I am struggling in storing the object inside vector. Thank you in advance for the help. Here is the code which I was trying.

#include <vector>

class Widget {};
class Button : public Widget {};
class Label : public Widget {};

class Window {
    std::vector<Widget*> vec;
    void add(Widget* elem)
    Window() = default;

    //copy constructor
    Window(const Window& obj)
        for (auto ele : obj.vec)

        for (auto ele : vec)
            delete ele;

int main()
    Window c1;
    c1.add(new Button);
    c1.add(new Label);

    Window c2(c1);

Please help me with the mistake I am doing.

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