I need to find the time difference between two given dates.
I have tried the following code but not able to convert it into hours mins secs
const char *time_details = "06/10/2021 16:35:12";
struct tm tm;
strptime(time_details, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", &tm); // Prev date
time_t t = mktime(&tm);
const char *time_details1 = "06/11/2021 14:35:12";
struct tm tm1;
strptime(time_details1, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", &tm1); // future date
time_t t33 = mktime(&tm1);
int timediff1 = difftime(t33,t);
int seconds1 = timediff1%60;
int hour1 =seconds1/ 3600;
int minutes1 = seconds1 / 60 ;
The above always shows '0' in hours mins seconds. But getting some value in
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