mardi 15 juin 2021

There is a probability of memory access error under RELEASE, please help!

UCHAR arrSlave[MAX_READ_SIZE] = { 0 };
USHORT arrI2CType[MAX_READ_SIZE] = { 0 };
UINT arrReadAddr[MAX_READ_SIZE] = { 0 };
UINT arrReadData[MAX_READ_SIZE] = { 0 };
for (UINT i = 0; i < MAX_READ_SIZE; ++i) //Memory error here
    arrSlave[i] = (UCHAR)uiSlave;
    arrI2CType[i] = (USHORT)uiI2CType;
    arrReadAddr[i] = uiStartAddr + i;
    arrReadData[i] = 0;

The above code is a DLL I wrote and is called by an exe

There is no problem in the DEBUG environment.

In the RELEASE environment, there will be a certain probability of downtime in the for section, not every time. . . . .


0xC0000005: An access violation occurred when reading location 0xFFFFFFFF.

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