jeudi 17 juin 2021

Where is the Segfault Error in this c++ code? [closed]

So after I included the function parse_input I always get a segfault error. I have tried many things but none work. My current code is:


#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "Client.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"

using namespace ::testing;

TEST(ClientInputParse, RegularWeekdays) {
    std::vector<Days> days = {Days::Mon, Days::Tues, Days::Wed};
    auto client = Client();
    client.parse_input("Regular: 16Mar2009(mon), 17Mar2009(tues), 18Mar2009(wed)");
    Client expected(ClientType::Regular, days);

    ASSERT_EQ(client, expected);


#ifndef Client_h
#define Client_h

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <functional>

enum ClientType {

enum Days {
    Mon = 0,
    Tues = 1,
    Wed = 2,
    Thur = 3,
    Fri = 4,
    Sat = 5,
    Sun = 6,

class UnknownDayOfTheWeek

class UnknownClient

struct Client {
    std::vector<Days> days_;
    ClientType type_;
        Client(ClientType client_type, std::vector<Days> days) : days_(days), type_(client_type) {};
        Client() {};

        void parse_input(const std::string input);

bool operator==(const Client& lhs, const Client& rhs);



#include "Client.h"

ClientType parse_client_type(const std::string& client_type_input);
std::vector<Days> parse_client_days(const std::string& client_days_input);

void Client::parse_input(const std::string input) {
    std::string client_type_input = input.substr(0, input.find(":"));
    std::string client_days_input = input.substr(input.find(":"));

    ClientType client_type = parse_client_type(client_type_input);
    std::vector<Days> days = parse_client_days(client_days_input);
    type_ = client_type;
    days_ = days;

ClientType parse_client_type(const std::string& client_type_input) {
    if (client_type_input == "Regular") {
        return ClientType::Regular;
    } else if (client_type_input == "Rewards") {
        return ClientType::Rewards;
    } else {
        throw UnknownClient();

std::vector<Days> parse_client_days(const std::string& client_days_input) {
    std::vector<Days> days;
    std::vector<std::string> days_tokens;  
    std::stringstream ss(client_days_input);

    std::string intermediate;
    while(getline(ss, intermediate, ','))

    std::transform(days_tokens.begin(), days_tokens.end(), days.begin(), [](std::string token) { 
        if (token.find("mon") != std::string::npos) {
            return Days::Mon;
        } else if (token.find("tues") != std::string::npos) {
            return Days::Tues;
        } else if (token.find("wed") != std::string::npos) {
            return Days::Tues;
        } else if (token.find("thur") != std::string::npos) {
            return Days::Tues;
        } else if (token.find("fri") != std::string::npos) {
            return Days::Tues;
        } else if (token.find("sat") != std::string::npos) {
            return Days::Tues;
        } else if (token.find("sun") != std::string::npos) {
            return Days::Tues;

        throw UnknownDayOfTheWeek();

    return days;

bool operator==(const Client& lhs, const Client& rhs) {
    return lhs.type_ == rhs.type_ && (lhs.days_.size() == rhs.days_.size() &&
            std::equal(lhs.days_.begin(), lhs.days_.end(), rhs.days_.begin()));

Terminal output:

[----------] 1 test from ClientInputParse
[ RUN      ] ClientInputParse.RegularWeekdays
zsh: segmentation fault  ./test

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