samedi 5 juin 2021

Why not using std::move everything?

i don't undertstand fully this answer. Why we not all using type with std::move?


std::map<int, int> try;

void foo(std::map<int, int>& try, int t1, int t2)
    try.emplace(std::move(t1), std::move(t2));

int main()
    int k = 1;
    int v = 5;

    try.emplace(k , v); // emplace copies
    foo(try, k, v); // emplace referance
    return 0;

so what is the different emplace copies and emplace referance? I know std::move more efficient than use copies. (if i know wrong, sorry. I'm beginner) So what can i use? Using copies or std::move? Sorry for my bad english.

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