vendredi 16 juillet 2021

Crash due to multithreading and mutexes

This code crashes at **std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);** during the handleNotif() function call with the following message due to SIGABORT. Where is the vulnerability ? Thank you.

std::recursive_mutex::lock() ??:? _gthread_recursive_mutex_lock gthr-default.h:811 std::recursive_mutex::lock() mutex:106

 NSubsPtr SuManager::subscribe(
        cons NType& notifType, callB callB)
        auto subData = SubData(notifType, callB);
            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
            subscribs_.insert(std::make_pair(currentSubId_, subData ));
        auto unSub = [this, currentId = currentSubscriptionId_]()
        return std::make_shared<NotifSub>(unSub );
    void SubManager::unsubscribe(SubscriptionId id)
        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
        auto it = std::find_if(subscribs_.begin(), subscribs_.end(),
            [&id](const std::pair<SubscriptionId, SubData>& data)
                return data.first == id;
        if (it == subscribs_.end())
        it->second.toBeRemoved = true;
    void SubManager::handleNotif(const struct Notif* notif)
        std::map<int, SubData>::iterator it;
            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
            it = subscribs_.begin();
        for (;;)
            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
            if (it == subscribs_.end())
            if (it->second.toBeRemoved)
                it = subscribs_.erase(it);
            // .....

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