vendredi 16 juillet 2021

How to find an element by an Index in array in c++11 [closed]

I want to write a function that find an element present in an array by its index and returns a bool value. I have tried the below code :


std::array<std::string, NUMBERS_TOTAL> arrayList{ "abc", "pqr", "xyz" };

bool IsNumberAvailable(NUMBERS num)             
    if (num >= NUMBERS_TOTAL)              // better approach
        return false;
    std::string name = arrayList[num];  
    // do something for name...
    return true;

int main()
    std::cout << "NUMBERS_ZERO : " << IsNumberAvailable(NUMBERS_ZERO) << "\n";
    return 0;

I know in general, we find the element by value which can be solved by linear search or using STL std::find, std::find_if. But can anyone suggest to me how to achieve above scenario with a better approach i.e. finding the element by its index provided by the enum?

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