lundi 23 août 2021

c++ network client\server programm, some steps

I'm study the c++ language, write my final work for the university. The whole program is almost ready but there are network problems. Can you tell me code examples or articles where i can get answers to the next steps that i am missing? (in simple language for dummies).


  1. Server: Sent Broadcast (ex. lan network, packet on port 12345

  2. Clinet (maybe two or more): Receive on port 12345 packet and answer to server "i'm here my ip 192.168.1.x", and wrote server ip to self memory.

  3. Client send variable data (text) to server ip (from step 2) and listen answer from server (true or false) and working self funcitons.

  4. Server from step 3, listen variable data, working with it, and send to sender answer (true or false).

Better w\o libraries if possible.

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