mardi 24 août 2021

User defined conversion assigned to const ref variable via temporary object

The code below is a simplified version of the actual problem I am facing.

Assume I do not have permission to modify class A (as it is external library), and its already widely used in my existing code base.

The const & assignment from a temporary object (direct constructor) which also return a const & member variable via implicit conversion is not valid in this case.

How do I prevent or make it legal in this case so that the caller gets the correct A value?

class A 
    A() {  }
    A(int _r, int _g, int _b)
        : r(_r), g(_g), b(_b)

    ~A(){ }

    int GetR() const {  return r; }
    int GetG() const { return g; }
    int GetB() const { return b; }

    int r = 0;
    int g = 0;
    int b = 0;

class Foo
    Foo() : Foo(A()) {}
    Foo(int _r, int _g, int _b) : a(A(_r, _g, _b)) {}
    explicit Foo(const A& _a) : a(_a) {}

    Foo& operator=(const A& a)
        *this = Foo(a);
        return *this;

    operator A() const { return a; }
    operator const A&() const {  return a; }

    A a;

int main()
    const A& a = Foo(200, 100, 300); 
    std::cout << a.GetR() << a.GetG() << a.GetB() << endl; // I may not get 200 100 300 here as Foo is already out of scope 

    return 0;


Some background on why I am implementing a class as above. The actual purpose of class Foo is to contain 2 different objects, which actually has the same purpose, just different way of storing data internally. For example, let's say class A and class B, which stores RGB value of color in int and floating (normalized) respectively. And as mentioned above, I do not have permission to modify class A, and its already widely used in my code base.

There are tons of function in my code base which takes in const A& and const B& as a function param. So I am trying to unify this 2 classes for a particular case, where I can just pass in Foo in those places and it will work as expected.

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