lundi 27 septembre 2021

How can I std::bind a user-provided function to a member variable of type std::function?

I have a class with a member variable std::function customCallback, and I need to let the user customize its behavior. customCallback should take as input a const std::array<int, N>& and a int, and return a std::array<int, N> (where N is a template parameter).

I am currently using std::bind to achieve this, but I can't understand why the compilation fails. What am I missing?

Since the original code involves inheritance and templates, I am including inheritance and templates in my minimal reproducible example (live code here) as well.

The user should be able to use both the constructor OR a member function to set the custom behavior.


#include <array>
#include <functional>

template <std::size_t N>
class BaseClass {
    virtual std::array<int, N> CustomBehavior(const std::array<int, N>& user_array, int user_number) = 0;    
    std::array<int, N> my_array = {0, 0};


#include <base.h>
#include <cstddef>

template <std::size_t N>
class DerivedClass : public BaseClass<N> {
    DerivedClass() = default;

    DerivedClass(std::function<std::array<int, N>(const std::array<int, N>&, int)> custom_f)
        : customCallback(std::bind(custom_f, std::ref(std::placeholders::_1), std::placeholders::_2)) {}

    void SetCustomBehavior(std::function<std::array<int, N>(const std::array<int>&, int)> custom_f) {
        customCallback = std::bind(custom_f, std::ref(std::placeholders::_1), std::placeholders::_2);

    std::array<int, N> CustomBehavior(const std::array<int, N>& user_array, int user_number) override {
        if (customCallback)
            this->my_array = customCallback(user_array, user_number);
        return this->my_array;

    std::function<std::array<int, N>(const std::array<int, N>&, int)> customCallback;


#include <derived.h>
#include <cassert>

static constexpr std::size_t MySize = 2;

std::array<int, MySize> my_behavior(const std::array<int, MySize>& input_array, int a) {
    return {a * input_array[0], a * input_array[1]};

int main() {

    std::array<int, MySize> my_array = {1, 1};

    // Default constructor (COMPILES)
    DerivedClass<MySize> foo_1; // OK
    std::array<int, MySize> bar_1 = foo_1.CustomBehavior(my_array, 2);
    assert(bar_1[0] == 0 && bar_1[1] == 0);

    // Custom constructor (ERROR)
    DerivedClass<MySize> foo_2(my_behavior); // COMPILATION ERROR
    std::array<int, MySize> bar_2 = foo_2.CustomBehavior(my_array, 2);
    assert(bar_2[0] == 2 && bar_2[1] == 2);

    // Custom behavior set later on (ERROR)
    DerivedClass<MySize> foo_3;  // OK
    foo_3.SetCustomBehavior(my_behavior); // COMPILATION ERROR
    std::array<int, MySize> bar_3 = foo_3.CustomBehavior(my_array, 2);
    assert(bar_3[0] == 2 && bar_3[1] == 2);

    return 0;

I am not including the whole compilation error since it's fairly long, but it can be seen live code here.

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