mercredi 16 mars 2022

How to iterate through of all AST node in order to apply optimizitation?

I am making a toy compiler. The source language is an imperative language, the output language is C++ code with some optimization.

I have AST for inner representation.

I want to implement some optimization, first of all a basic loop unrolling optimization.

I have a base class, every statement class derived from it.

I know that I should use visitor pattern in order to make AST -> AST transofrmation.

So I want to make changes in every WhileStatement class. There can be inner WhileStatements, like this:


I can get the first level statements from bison. That is clear that I need to apply somehow the visitor pattern to process the inner statements.

First of all, I know the basic of visitor pattern, but I cannot apply it in my code properly. Good news, only WhileStatement, IfStatement and IfElseStatement can have (inner) list of statements

I share my code, I hope this time it will be enough to give me help.

So the base class:

class Statement
        virtual ~Statement();
        virtual void TypeCheck() = 0;
        virtual StatementType GetType() const = 0;
        virtual std::string GetCode() const = 0;
        virtual void accept(visitor& v) = 0;

WhileStatement class (IfStatement is almost looks like this):

class WhileStatement : public Statement
        WhileStatement(Expression* _exp, std::list<Statement*>* _statementList);
        void TypeCheck();
        Expression* GetExpression() const;
        std::string GetCode() const;
        StatementType GetType() const;
        virtual void accept(visitor& v) override
        Expression* exp;
        std::list<Statement*>* statementList;

Please do not judge me because of this: std::list<Statement*>* bison can operate only with this type so this type is fix, I think I cannot use this std::list<Statement*> &statementList

My basic Loop unrolling optimization, it works well with the outer statements:

void LoopUnrollingOptimization(std::list<Statement*>* &outerStatements, int optimizationNumber)
    std::list<Statement*>::iterator it;
    for (it = outerStatements->begin(); it != outerStatements->end(); ++it)
        Expression* exp = dynamic_cast<WhileStatement*>(*it)->GetExpression();
        std::list<Statement*>* statementList = dynamic_cast<WhileStatement*>(*it)->GetStatementList();
        int whileStatements = statementList->size();
        std::list<Statement*>::iterator it2 = statementList->begin();
        IfStatement* optimizedIf = new IfStatement(exp, "break;");
        int size = statementList->size() * optimizationNumber;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            if (size - 1 == i)

I call this function in my grammar file (.y).

I implemented a visitor pattern:

class visitor
        virtual void visit(IfStatement& ifStatement) = 0;
        virtual void visit(WhileStatement& whileStatement) = 0;
        virtual void visit(DeclareVariableStatement& declare) = 0;
        virtual void visit(IfElseStatement& ifelsestmt) = 0;

class visitor_concrate : public visitor
    void visit(IfStatement& ifStatement)
        // I do not know what should I provide here, maybe this:
        ifStatements.statementList; // I think it is wrong, because it is a void method.

    void visit(WhileStatement& whileStatement) override


    void visit(DeclareVariableStatement& declare)
        // nothing maybe, because this class do not have statementList

It is clear to me, that my task is to process every node (does not matter the depth level of it).

But I got stuck with combine the visitor pattern with my loop unrolling function. So please tell me how to combine void LoopUnrollingOptimization(std::list<Statement*>* &outerStatements, int optimizationNumber) function with the visitor pattern in order to process every node at every depth.

As I said before there can be this kind of scenario:


In this case I have to make loop unrolling optimization in the innermost WhileStatement.

I appreciate help with coding, also with hints. But because of my lack of knowledge, I would be happy if someone could write me a working code or a pseudocode.

Thank you in advance!

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