samedi 28 mai 2022

re-throwing an exception from inside a terminatrion handler

Is the following code according to the standard ?

#include <iostream>
#include <exception>

using namespace std;

int main()
    auto terminationHandler = []()
            rethrow_exception( current_exception() );
        catch( exception const &exc )
            cout << exc.what() << endl;
        catch( ... )
    set_terminate( terminationHandler );
        throw bad_alloc();
    catch( ... )

This would be a nice aid for fatal situations that you still have some error-message.

I've got a function called exc_terminate() that's called like this:

exc_terminate( [&]() { ... do anything in local context ... } );

The lambda is executed within a try-catch-block and if an exception occurs the code terminates. I use this f.e. when a thread can't communicate with another thread because the synchronization-functions signalled a system_error.

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