samedi 7 mai 2022

Sending Messages between 2 c++ process

In order to make two objects, Player 1 and Player 2, of a class Player sending and receiving messages, I implemented a blocking queue to synchronize the messages. This is the code I used:

 class Message 
        Player* sender;
        std::string text;


    template <typename T>
    class BlockingQueue
        void push(const T& val)
        T pop()

    class Player
        BlockingQueue<Message > queue;
        void sendMessage(const string& message, Player *dest)
 Message msg;
         msg.sender= this; // sender 
         msg.text = message;
        void run()
          while (true)
            Message msg= queue_.pop();
            // do something with the message

int main()
    Player player1("player1");
    Player player2("player2");
    thread thread1([&](Player* player) { player->run(); }, &player1);
    thread thread2([&](Player* player) { player->run(); }, &player2);
    player2.sendMessage("Hi",&player1); // send message to player2 (from  player 1)

    return 0;

what I did here ! is send messages between the two objects of class Player through one single process.

How Can I have every player in a separate C++ process?

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