vendredi 1 juillet 2022

C++ error: using temporary as lvalue when using member variable of container in dervied class


class acc{
        acc() { aa = 10;}
        int aa;
class Derv;
class Base{
       Base() {}
       int a;
       virtual acc get_acc() {};
       virtual void compare(Derv *v) {}


class Derv : public Base {
        acc acc_o;
        Derv() {}
        virtual acc get_acc();
        virtual void compare(Derv *v) {
            if(v->get_acc().aa = acc_o.aa) {
                std::cout<<"Values Match\n";

acc Derv::get_acc() {
    return acc_o;

int main() {
    Base *d1 = new Derv();
    Base *v = new Derv();
    Derv *v1 = dynamic_cast<Derv *>(v);


    return 0;

Above code is giving compiler error when compiled using gcc. Following is the compiler error:

accessor_test.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void Derv::compare(Derv*)’:
accessor_test.cpp:25:40: error: using temporary as lvalue [-fpermissive]
             if(v->get_acc().aa = acc_o.aa) {

Not able to understand what is the reason for error? Can someone help me understand the error and possible fix for the same?

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