Im looking to take my vector and depending on the p_room[] choosen give a special dialog and crerate a array for that specific vector. for example if the user goes from startingRoom to startingEast then to eastlvl1 i want a special dialog for the eastlvl1 i tried if statments but they appear when the app is first ran. i want a way to create path specific dialog along with creating arrays along that path so if they reach a certain point and find an object i can create an array and store the object. but i dont want the user to always have an inventory i only want it to exist once they find an object if they find
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "Room.h"
using namespace std;
class Program{
void setUpRooms();
void Run();
int createRoom(string name, string description);
void handleUserInput();
Room* p_ptrCurrentRooms;
vector<Room*> p_rooms;
bool p_done;
Room customRoom();
p_ptrCurrentRooms = nullptr;
p_done = false;
void Program::Run() {
string status = "";
while (!p_done){
handleUserInput() ;
void Program::setUpRooms() {
int spawn = createRoom("your house","theres a flash of light");
int startingRoom = createRoom("Town Center","You appear in a mysteries town");
int startingNorth = createRoom("Capital","You enter the capital");
int startingSouth = createRoom("Dense Forest","You enter a forest where light can barely reach the ground");
int startingEast = createRoom("Ocean","You have reached an ocean");
int startingWest = createRoom("Town","you have traveled deeper into town");
int northLevel1 = createRoom("Castle","you find a massive castle");
int northSthLevel1 = createRoom("Town center","Back at the town center but it looks different from before, yet you are unsure how");
int northEstLevel1 = createRoom("Ocean","You have reached a port");
int northWstLevel1 = createRoom("Slums","A dirtier and much more unpleasant place compared to previous surroundings ");
int northLvl2 = createRoom("Castle","you reach the castle gate and are stopped by guards, you explain your situation. They look you over and can clearly tell you arent"
" from there at least and allow you to pass with an escort. continue north to proceed with your escort. ");
int northEstLvl2 = createRoom("Castle","You walk the castle wall, it is miles long and even taller. made from a hard stone you've never seen before");
int northWstLvl2 = createRoom("Castle","You walk the castle wall, it is miles long and even taller. made from a hard stone you've never seen before");
int southLevel1 = createRoom("Dense Forest","You travel deeper into the the dense forest, nothing interesting found");
int southNorthLevel1 = createRoom("Dense forest","The forest was so dark and dense when you entered... are you lost?");
int southEstLevel1 = createRoom("Dense Forest","just more forest nothing interesting.");
int southWstLevel1 = createRoom("Dense Forest","just more forest nothing interesting.");
int southLevel2 = createRoom("Dense Forest","You travel deeper into the the dense forest, nothing interesting found");
int southNrthLvl2 = createRoom("Dense Forest","You reach the edge of the forest, you've made it out.");
int southEstLvl2 = createRoom("Dense Forest","just more forest nothing interesting. its starting to get dark");
int southWstLvl2 = createRoom("Dense Forest","just more forest nothing interesting. its starting to get dark");
int eastLvl1 = createRoom("Ocean","You have entered the ocean continue east to swim further into ocean");
int eastNrthLvl1 = createRoom("Port","you found a port, continue east from here to board a ship");
int eastSthlvl1 = createRoom("Market","you find a market that sells a variety of the days catches");
//use northsthlvl1
int eastlvl2 = createRoom("Ocean","you have started your swim into the ocean");
int eastNrthLvl2 = createRoom("Port","you continue along the port, continue east from here to board a ship");
int eastSthlvl2 = createRoom("Market","you continue along the market that sells a variety of the days catches");
//use northSouthLevel1
int westLvl1 = createRoom("Town","The path you where walking opens into a large square with shops spread throughout the square");
int westNrthLvl1 = createRoom("Town","You come across a building marked Guild. by its stature maybe it has some importance or information. continue North to enter");
int westSthLvl1 = createRoom("Town","Hunters Lodge... wonder what information they may carry");
// use northSthLevel1
int westLvl2 = createRoom("Town square","You've entered teh center of the town square you are surrounded by shops. continue North, South, West to enter a shop and east to back up");
int westNrthLvl2 = createRoom("Guild","you've entered the guild the building seems bigger on the inside, it seems over whelming. - Continue North, West, or East to venture through guild and south to exit");
int westSthLvl2 = createRoom("Hunters Lodge","you have entered the lodge there are mounts of unknown animals on the wall. - Continue South, West, East to explore lodge and North to exit");
//use northSthLevel1
p_rooms[spawn]->setNeighbors( p_rooms[startingRoom],p_rooms[startingRoom], p_rooms[startingRoom], p_rooms[startingRoom]);
p_rooms[startingRoom]->setNeighbors(p_rooms[startingNorth],p_rooms[startingSouth],p_rooms[startingEast], p_rooms[startingWest]);
p_rooms[startingNorth]->setNeighbors(p_rooms[northLevel1], p_rooms[northSthLevel1], p_rooms[northEstLevel1], p_rooms[northWstLevel1]);
p_rooms[startingWest]->setNeighbors(p_rooms[westNrthLvl1], p_rooms[westSthLvl1], p_rooms[northSthLevel1], p_rooms[westLvl1]);
p_rooms[northLevel1]->setNeighbors(p_rooms[northLvl2],p_rooms[northSthLevel1], p_rooms[northEstLvl2], p_rooms[northWstLvl2]);
p_rooms[southLevel1]->setNeighbors(p_rooms[southNrthLvl2], p_rooms[southLevel2], p_rooms[southEstLvl2], p_rooms[southWstLvl2]);
p_rooms[eastLvl1]->setNeighbors(p_rooms[eastNrthLvl2], p_rooms[eastSthlvl2], p_rooms[eastlvl2], p_rooms[northSthLevel1]);
p_rooms[westLvl1]->setNeighbors(p_rooms[westNrthLvl2], p_rooms[westSthLvl2], p_rooms[northSthLevel1], p_rooms[westLvl2]);
p_ptrCurrentRooms = p_rooms[spawn];
int Program::createRoom(string name, string description){
int index = p_rooms.size();
Room* room = new Room;
room->setUp(name, description);
return index;
void Program::handleUserInput(){
string userIn;
userIn = Menu::GetStringLine("What would you like to do next");
if(StringUtil::ToLower(userIn) == "north" || StringUtil::ToLower(userIn) == "n"){
cout << "you went North";
p_ptrCurrentRooms = p_ptrCurrentRooms->ptrNeighborNorth;
cout << "you cant go north";
else if(StringUtil::ToLower(userIn) == "south" || StringUtil::ToLower(userIn) == "s"){
cout << "you went South";
p_ptrCurrentRooms = p_ptrCurrentRooms->ptrNeighborSouth;
cout << "you cant go South";
else if(StringUtil::ToLower(userIn) == "east" || StringUtil::ToLower(userIn) == "e"){
cout << "you went East";
p_ptrCurrentRooms = p_ptrCurrentRooms->ptrNeighborEast;
cout << "you cant go East";
else if(StringUtil::ToLower(userIn) == "west" ||StringUtil::ToLower(userIn) == "w" ){
cout<< "you went west";
p_ptrCurrentRooms = p_ptrCurrentRooms->ptrNeighborWest;
cout<< "you cant go west";
} else{
cout<< "Unknown command";
for(auto ptrRoom : p_rooms){
if(ptrRoom!= nullptr){
delete ptrRoom;
ive tried or declaring the specific room in if staments but all that does is print the message first in the console
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