mercredi 28 janvier 2015

c++ std::thread on stack

I have an object with a normal constructor. This may be bad practice--don't berate me--but the constructor has a lot of initialization to do. Much of this initialization can be performed asyncronously, so I am calling a new thread from within the constructor.

When the thread in initialized on the stack, it appears that the thread is destroyed when the constructor exits which causes a crash. This would look like so:

class MyObject
// Typical initialization
// ...

// Time consuming initialization
std::thread(&MyObject::Init; this); // Create new thread to call Init();

// Crash when exit MyObject() here

void Init()
// Time consuming operations

The alternative (which works) is to create the thread on the heap as such.

class MyObject
std::thread* StartupThread;

// Typical initialization
// ...

// Time consuming initialization
StartupThread = new std::thread(&MyObject::Init; this); // Create new thread to call Init();

// Crash when exit MyObject() here
delete StartupThread;

void Init()
// Time consuming operations


My Question

Is there any harm is leaving the unjoined & undisposed thread object alive for the lifetime of the object or should I try to clean it up as soon as Init() finishes?

Is there a way to "automatically" dispose the thread when it finishes so it isn't left hanging around?

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