vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Pass generic template class as functor parameter

I want to improve the following code snippet:

THNNetIPInfoIter last = std::unique(fist, end, HNInfoIPComparator());

where currently HNInfoIPComparator() is implemented as following:

// equal comparator
class HNInfoIPComparator
bool operator()(const THNNetIPInfo &a, const THNNetIPInfo &b);
bool operator()(const SDK::TIPAddressDescription &a, const SDK::TIPAddressDescription &b);
bool operator()(const THNNetIPInfo &a, const SDK::TIPAddressDescription &b);
bool operator()(const SDK::TIPAddressDescription &a, const THNNetIPInfo &b);

The reason for this comparator definition is that it might be used with another STL algorithms, like std::set_difference and should handle case when ranges has different types.

The problem is that I have to write huge amount of very similar comparators and it is easy to be entangled with which comparator to use.

I want to write the following snippet:

template<typename SDKClass, typename IDLClass>
class equal {
bool operator()(const IDLClass &a, const IDLClass &b) {
if (strcmp(, {
return false;
return true;

bool operator()(const SDKClass &a, const SDKClass &b) {
if (strcmp(a.ip_address().c_str(), b.ip_address().c_str())) {
return false;
return true;

bool operator()(const IDLClass &a, const SDKClass &b) {
if (strcmp(, b.ip_address().c_str())) {
return false;
return true;

bool operator()(const SDKClass &a, const IDLClass &b) {
if (strcmp(a.ip_address().c_str(), {
return false;
return true;

So HNInfoIPComparator() would be generated depending on types passed as its arguments inside std::unique function.

Therefore I want to pass to std::unique templated functor (class). Is it possible to do that and how?

Also I want to handle case when functor contains some internal data, which are used for comparisons

Most important code samples:

// Automatically generated structure from IDL specification
// Basically simple structure
struct THNNetIPInfo
typedef THNNetIPInfo_var _var_type;
typedef THNNetIPInfo_out _out_type;

static void _tao_any_destructor (void *);
::TAO::String_Manager ipaddr;
::TAO::String_Manager netmask;

// THNNetIPInfoIter - class external iterator
// which was written manually
typedef Util::CorbaSeqIter<THNNetIPInfoList, THNNetIPInfo> THNNetIPInfoIter;

// THNNetIPInfoList - also automatically generated class
// from IDL specification, list of THNNetIPInfo elements
THNNetIPInfoList list(...);
THNNetIPInfoIter first(&list, 0);
THNNetIPInfoIter end(&list, list.length());

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