samedi 31 janvier 2015

Factory pattern using variadic template?

I have an abstract class

template <class T> struct A { /* virtual methods */ };

and several concrete derived classes with various constructors

// The constructor of B takes 1 input
template <class T>
struct B
: public A<T>
B() { /* default ctor */ }
B( T *input ) { /* initializer */ }

// .. implement virtual methods

// The constructor of C takes 2 inputs
template <class T>
struct C
: public A<T>
double some_member;

C() { /* default ctor */ }
C( T *input, double& value ) { /* initializer */ }

// .. implement virtual methods

I created a Factory that returns pointers to A, and I am trying to use variadic templates to forward inputs to the constructor of the selected derived class. It is working fine, but I had to duplicate the code for the cases with/without constructor inputs, and I am looking for a way to prevent code duplication (see below).

template <class T>
struct A_Factory
typedef std::shared_ptr<A> out_type;

// Version without constructor inputs
static out_type create( id_type id )
out_type out;
switch (id)
// .. select the derived class
case Type_B:
out.reset( new B() );
return out;

// Version with constructor inputs
template <class... Args>
static out_type create( id_type id, Args&&... args )
out_type out;
switch (id)
// .. select the derived class
case Type_B:
out.reset( new B( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) );
return out;

Very sorry for the long question. Any suggestion to make this shorter appreciated.

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