lundi 27 novembre 2017

Poly output error - linked list

My current output is giving me an error and I do not understand why. If someone could guide me as to why it does it would be greatly appreciated. I am able to add two polynomials together but when I get the output I get a segmentation fault after removing a space from the output operator. I do not know why this is. I am also using codeblocks if that helps.


#include <iostream>
#include "poly.h"
using namespace std;
int main ()

int x1[] = {1 , 0 , 3 , 4 , 5};
int x2[] = {3 , 2};

polynomial p1(x1 , 4);
polynomial p2(x2 , 1);
polynomial p3(5);
polynomial p4;
polynomial result;

result = 6;

cout << " p1 = " << p1 << endl ;
cout << " p2 = " << p2 << endl ;
cout << " p3 = " << p3 << endl ;
cout << " p4 = " << p4 << endl ;
cout << " result = " << result << endl << endl ;

result = p1 + p2 ;
cout << " p1 + p2 = " << result << endl ;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class polynomial

    struct node
        int coefficient ;
        node * link ;

polynomial(const polynomial&);
polynomial(int* ,int);

polynomial operator+(const polynomial&) const;
polynomial operator+(int) const;
const polynomial& operator=(const polynomial &);
const polynomial& operator=(int);

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& outfile , const polynomial&);
friend polynomial operator+(int ,const polynomial&);

node* head;
int degree;


#include <iostream>
#include "poly.h"
using namespace std;

    head = new node;
    head->coefficient = 0;
    head->link = NULL;
    degree = -1;

polynomial::polynomial(const polynomial& copy)
    if(this != &copy)
        delete[] head;
        head = copy.head;

polynomial::polynomial(int * p, int degree)
    this->degree = degree;
    head = new node;
    head->coefficient = p[0];
    head->link = NULL;

    for(int x=1;x<degree;x++)
        node* temp;
        temp = new node;
        temp->coefficient = p[x];
        temp->link = head;
        head = temp;

    node* temp;
    temp = new node;
    temp->coefficient = p[degree];
    temp->link = head;
    head = temp;

polynomial::polynomial(int s)
    degree = 0;
    head = new node;
    head->coefficient = s;
    head->link = NULL;

    node* temp = head;
    node* current = head;
    while(current != NULL)
        current = current->link;
        delete temp;
        temp = current;
        if (current == NULL || current == NULL)

polynomial polynomial::operator+(const polynomial& rhs) const
    polynomial hold;
    polynomial tempLhs;
    polynomial tempRhs = rhs; = degree; =;;
    int tempDegree;

    tempLhs.head = new node;
    tempRhs.head = new node;
    hold.head = new node;

    for(int x=0;x<tempDegree+1;x++)
        node* temp;
        temp = new node;
        temp->coefficient = 0;
        temp->link = hold.head;
        hold.head = temp;

    tempLhs.head = head;
    tempRhs.head = rhs.head;

    if( <
        tempDegree =; = tempDegree;
        for(int x = (;x<tempDegree+1;x++)
            node* temp;
            temp = new node;
            temp->coefficient = 0;
            temp->link = tempLhs.head;
            tempLhs.head = temp;

    else if( >
        tempDegree =; = tempDegree;
        for(int x = (;x<tempDegree+1;x++)
            node* temp;
            temp = new node;
            temp->coefficient = 0;
            temp->link = tempRhs.head;
            tempRhs.head = temp;
        tempDegree = =; = tempDegree;

    node* lhsCurrent = tempLhs.head;
    node* rhsCurrent = tempRhs.head;
    int tempArr[tempDegree];

    while(lhsCurrent != NULL && rhsCurrent != NULL)
        for(int x=tempDegree;x>-1;x--)
            tempArr[x]= lhsCurrent->coefficient + rhsCurrent->coefficient;
            lhsCurrent = lhsCurrent->link;
            rhsCurrent = rhsCurrent->link;

    polynomial use(tempArr, tempDegree);
    return use;

polynomial polynomial::operator+(int rhs) const
    polynomial temp = *this;

    return rhs+temp;

const polynomial& polynomial::operator=(const polynomial& rhs)
    cout << "doing = operator" << endl;
    degree =;

    if(this != &rhs)
        delete[] head;
        head = rhs.head;

    return *this;

const polynomial& polynomial::operator=(int rhs)
    degree = 0;
    head = new node;
    head->coefficient = rhs;
    head->link = NULL;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const polynomial& rhs)
    out << "operator ";

    polynomial::node* temp = new polynomial::node;
    temp = rhs.head;

    while(temp != NULL)
        out << temp->coefficient << " ";
        temp = temp->link;
        if(temp == NULL)
    out << " ";

The output should be this

p1 = 5 x ^4 + x ^2 + 5 x + 4
p2 = 3 x + 2
p3 = 5
p4 = 0
result = 6
p1 + p2 = 5 x ^4 + x ^2 + 8 x + 6

I am getting this result but I just have to format it so that the degrees are represented correctly but my addition it coming out correctly I just need to adjust the output operator which is not the issue.

Whenever I run the program without

out << " ";

which is the second to last line of poly.cpp I get an error.

It says I have segmentation fault after line 215 which happens to be the last line of poly.cpp when the out<< is deleted from the code.

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