jeudi 24 mai 2018

boost runtime loading, runtime_symbol and alias

I am working with exported alias / runtime_symbols using boost to get a plugin based architecture, such that my application may load shared libs (that export types using the runtime_symbol approach in boost) during runtime and creates types from the dynamically loaded shared libraries.

I create a Main application executable.

I create one library that exports a type A such that the Main application can load the during runtime and create an instance of type A.

I create one library that exports a type B, and I want the Main application to load this library during runtime and create instances of type B.

This works well, but if B needs to know about / acting on type A I run into problems. For example if type B has a shared_ptr < A > member, so has to link to, boost does not manage to load the anymore. It throws saying "Bad file descriptor" when trying to load

Is there any way to solve this problem?

I have realized that if I let type A inherit from a an abstract type ABase and I store ABase in its own shared library, I could get it all working by linking the main application, and against if I also make sure type B holds a shared_ptr < ABase > member instead of a shared_ptr < A > member. But I would prefer not having to work through an "interface" when accessing type A in

Can this be resolved?

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