jeudi 24 mai 2018

Python binding for a cpp project having boostC++ library dependency for compilation

I am currently working on framing a python wrapper for a cpp project that has boost c++ library dependency for compilation and requires compiler with c++11 support. i use macOS High Sierra 10.13.2..On checking the clang version i get this

I added -stdlib=libc++ in extension module of But then met with the following :[error: invalid use of non-static data member]

Then one of the SO answers suggested to use -std=c++11 or -std=libc++. On including one of the above, c++ libraries doesn't get linked(which would get linked when -stdlib=libc++ is added). so i get : fatal error: 'random' file not found

how to solve it? can i include both the libraries. is my way of reasoning out the error correct or am i misled?. Would be glad for any help on this. Thanks in advance!

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