vendredi 25 mai 2018

Unable to starve writer thread in reader-writer scenario

Reader-Writer problem:

I have implemented a very basic version of reader-writer problem with the following conditions:

  1. Multiple readers are allowed to read data at a time.
  2. Only 1 writer is allowed to update data at a time.
  3. When readers are reading,then, writer cannot acquire access to the data.

I am doing the following in my code:

  • I am launching reader thread in every 10 milliseconds. Whereas,
  • I am launching writer thread in every 2 seconds.

So, that means, my writer should have starved but this is not happening.

Can somebody explains:

  1. Why writers are not getting starved?
  2. How to starve writer(where is the mistake in my code)?


#include <iostream>
#include "windows.h"
#include "vector"
#include "mutex"
using namespace std;

int dataa = 0; // shared resource
mutex _mData; // mutex to protect shared resource

mutex _mReaders;
int totalReaderThreads = 0;

void sharedPrint(string threadName, std::thread::id threadID, int dataa)
    cout << threadName.c_str() << "[" << threadID << "]. data[" << dataa << "]" << endl;

void producer()
    _mData.lock(); //Allow only 1 writer at a time to access shared resource:
        dataa++; //update data
        sharedPrint("Writer Thread", this_thread::get_id(), dataa);


void consumer()
    unique_lock<mutex> ul(_mReaders); //Allow only one reader

        if (totalReaderThreads == 1)
            _mData.lock();//lock the data from writers

    //Allow all reader threads:
    int i = dataa; //Readers reading data
    sharedPrint("Reader Thread", this_thread::get_id(), i);

    ul.lock();  //Allow only one reader
        if (totalReaderThreads == 0)
            _mData.unlock();//unlock the data for writers

void runConsumers()
    vector<thread> con;
    int counterr = 1;
    int seconds_ = 10;
    while (counterr)

        Sleep(seconds_);// A new reader will attempt to read data in every 10 milliseconds.
    //joining consumers:
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

void runProducers()
    vector<thread> pro;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

        Sleep(2000); //A new producer will attempt to write data in every 2 seconds.
    //joining producers:
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

int main()
    thread t1(runProducers);
    thread t2(runConsumers);


    return 0;

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