jeudi 24 mai 2018

C++ object keeps templated function and args as members to call later

I have a class Door that implements a method LockCheck(), and a class Stove with a method BurnerCheck(). I want a class House that takes as a constructor argument either Door::LockCheck or Stove::BurnerCheck along with an unknown set of args for the given function. House would then store the function and its args such that it can call them at some later time. For example,

auto stove = Stove();
auto stove_check = stove.BurnerCheck;
auto burner_args = std::make_tuple<bool, bool>(true, false);
auto house = House(burner_args, stove_check);
// do some other stuff...
house.check_safety();  // internally calls stove.BurnerCheck(burner_args)

What should class House "looks" like?

So far I have,

template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
class House {


    House(Args... args, std::function<ReturnType(Args...)> func)
        : input_args_(std::forward_as_tuple(args...)),
          safety_func_(func) {}


    Args... input_args_;  // Is this the correct declaration?
    std::function<ReturnType(Args...)> safety_func_;


  • C++11

  • I've already seen related SO questions such as this and this.

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