mercredi 26 décembre 2018

c++ dynamic return type for function

I am trying to have a generic class which could return the object of the other class depending on the input to generic class.

From the main function, if I pass in '1' as an argument to the constructor of generic class, i want to be able to get object of child1 class using getType(). My question is: is there a way to change the return type of getType() dynamically or any other way to accomplish this behavior?

My current implementation calls the print() method of base class, even though I create an object of child classes in generic constructor as m_type is a base type.

class base {

        void print(){
            cout << "base\n";
        virtual ~base() {}

class child1 : public base {
        void print(){
            cout << "child1\n";

class child2 : public base {
        void print(){
            cout << "child2\n";
        void hello(){
            cout << "hello from child 2\n";

class generic{

        generic(int b){
            if(b==1) {
                m_type = new child1();
            else if(b==2) 
                m_type = new child2();

    // Somehow return the object of one of the child class based on input 
    // to constructor.
    base *getType(){
        return m_type;

    base *m_type;

int main()
    generic *g1 = new generic(1);
    // call the method from child1 class instead of base class.
    return 0;

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