samedi 29 janvier 2022

C++ const_cast over a dynamic_cast and vice versa

I have a doubt about about a line of the code wrote from my professor.

This is the full code.

The class Gui has a std::list<const AbstractButton*> Buttons and the function std::vector<AbstractButton*> removeUnchecked(){} wants a vector as return type and we had to remove from the Gui every checkable buttons with the attribute checked == false and put in the returned vector.

The professor wrote CheckBox* p = const_cast<CheckBox*>(dynamic_cast<const CheckBox*>(*it)); performing a dynamic_cast first and then a const_cast

If I had written CheckBox* p = dynamic_cast<CheckBox*>(const_cast<AbstractButton*>(*it)) would it be the same thing? (const_cast first and then dynamic_cast)

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