jeudi 20 janvier 2022

Cppcheck incorrect uninitialized member variable warning

I am running cppcheck on a project, and when I do, I have been getting a warning stating there is an "uninitialized member variable" (with error code [uninitMemberVar]). If I go and check the variable it is yelling about, it is always a pointer, which is correctly initialized to nullptr, albeit in the header file. I am doing all of my (pointer) initialization in the header file, rather than in the constructor.

I have found that I can suppress this warning by adding //cppcheck-suppress uninitMemberVar comment, although it only works if I add it before the default constructor in the header file, rather than before the variable itself.

I am wondering if anyone has experienced a similar issue with cppcheck before, where you have initialized a pointer but cppcheck still throws a "uninitialized member variable warning"? I am not sure what is causing this, and I would like to find a solution that is better than adding cppcheck-suppress comments. Thanks in advance for any help.

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