lundi 28 mars 2022

Does “M&M rule” applies to std::atomic data-member?

"Mutable is used to specify that the member does not affect the externally visible state of the class (as often used for mutexes, memo caches, lazy evaluation, and access instrumentation)." [Reference: cv (const and volatile) type qualifiers, mutable specifier]

This sentence made me wonder:

"Guideline: Remember the “M&M rule”: For a member-variable, mutable and mutex (or atomic) go together." [Reference: GotW #6a Solution: Const-Correctness, Part 1 (updated for C ++11/14)]

I understand why “M&M rule” applies to std::mutex data-member: to allow const-functions to be thread-safe despite they lock/unlock the mutex data-member, but does “M&M rule” applies also to std::atomic data-member?

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