mardi 15 mars 2022

Searching a set<> via Custom Criterion

The Problem

In the code below, I have found that I can insert into a set<> using a custom sorting criterion, but I cannot test for the presence of an element using set<>::find(). The following compilation error results upon a call to set<>::find():

error: no matching function for call to ‘std::setstd::shared_ptr<node_t, node_comp_t>::find(char&) const’
return children.find(c) != children.end();

This is confusing to me since element equivalence is defined by:

!(lhs < rhs) && !(rhs < lhs)

As can be seen below, I have the required operator defined.

Undesirable Alternative

As an alternative, I can search through the set<> element-by-element, but that is not preferable since doing so would run in linear time.

My Questions

  1. What am I misunderstanding?
  2. Is there a way I can search in logarithmic time, as one normally could with set<>::find()?


struct node_t;
using node_sp_t = shared_ptr<node_t>;

class node_comp_t
      inline bool operator()(const node_sp_t &lhs, const node_sp_t &rhs) const;

using node_sp_set_t = set<node_sp_t, node_comp_t>;

class node_t
      explicit node_t(char c_p): c{c_p} {}

      inline char get_c() const
         return c;

      void add_child(char c)
         if (!child_exists(c))

      bool child_exists(char c) const
         // c is not of the children set element type (node_sp_t).
         // So, find() cannot be used with c.
         // Why does node_comp_t not get used by find()?
         // How may I search for c in logarithmic time if not by using find()?
         return children.find(c) != children.end();

         // This works, but it runs in linear time!
         // for (const node_sp_t &node_sp : children)
         // {
         //    if (node_sp->get_c() == c)
         //       return true;
         // }

         // return false;

      char c;
      node_sp_set_t children;

inline bool node_comp_t::operator()(const node_sp_t &lhs, const node_sp_t &rhs) const
   return lhs->get_c() < rhs->get_c();

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