vendredi 13 mai 2022

Different values for integer

Trying to insert values of square and cube of a number in set st and st1. (Let n = 10^7).
After printing, set st is having negative values due to limit of integer but there are no negative values in set st1 even though both 'i' and 'temp' are integers.

        int n;
        cin >> n;
        int temp = 2;
        set<int> st;
        set<int> st1;

        while ((temp * temp) < n)
            st.insert(temp * temp);
            if ((temp * temp * temp) < n)
                st.insert(temp * temp * temp);

        for(int i=1;i*i<n;i++){
            st1.insert(i * i);
        for(int i=1;i*i*i<n;i++){
            st1.insert(i* i * i);

        for(auto ss : st){
            cout<<ss<<" ";


        for(auto s : st1){
            cout<<s<<" ";


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